Welcome to the Key Biscayne 4th of July Parade
The parade began in 1959 when a couple of local Key Biscayners decided they wanted to teach their children the importance of being an American. They called on their friends and neighbors to celebrate the 4th of July by parading through the island streets. As the years progressed, the parade organization grew.
This year marks our 65th Anniversary! The parade will start promptly at 11am on July 4th.

The History of the Parade
The parade began in 1959 when a couple of local Key Biscayner’s, Tommy Sikes and Arthur Yehle got together and decided to ask a few friends if they would like to march around the streets of the Key in celebration of the 4th of July. Tommy put together some of the local musicians and started up a marching band called “The Chowder Chompers”, thus named for their love of the local conch. They marched through the streets wearing paper hats, playing misfit instruments and pulling a cooler of beer behind them. The children of the Key decorated their bikes and rode along with them.
As the years progressed, the parade organization grew and now, over 65 years later the parade sports approximately 55 entries and costs around $70,000. It has been referred to as “The Best Lil’ Hometown Parade in South Florida!”
The “all volunteer” Parade Committee now consists of 23-28 Key Biscayne residents who research and pull in entries from all over South Florida. They sell t- shirts and buttons that are designed each year according to the Parade’s “Theme”, and they put on a fabulous annual 4th of July BBQ, all to raise money to support the parade. However, the majority of the monies needed to put on a parade of this magnitude come from the generous sponsorships of our own local businesses and residences. Lets keep this wonderful tradition alive so our children, grand-children and great grand-children will have a better understanding of the birth of our great nation……America the Beautiful!
For more information, please call 305-361-2770.